"Indentation resistant, Water resistant, Won't fade"

Laminate floors are extremely durable, beautiful, and easy to clean. Laminate is suited well for high-traffic areas, family kitchens, and homes with children and pets. Like hardwood, laminates are available in a number of widths and lengths. Laminate flooring is less expensive than real wood.
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Residental Carpet
Laminate flooring is a versatile, durable, attractive flooring with the appearance of a hardwood floor or ceramic tile. Although laminate flooring looks like wood flooring or tile, there is actually no solid wood used in its construction. Laminate floors are made up of several materials bonded together under high pressure. Most laminate flooring consists of a moisture resistant layer under a layer of HDF (high density fiberboard). This is topped with a high resolution photographic image of natural wood flooring or tile.
Commercial Carpet
It is then finished with an extremely hard, clear coating made from special resin-coated cellulose to protect the laminate flooring. Laminate flooring is perfect for anyone wanting a durable floor for a fraction of the price and installation time of a hardwood floor or tile, but with the attractiveness of real hardwood or tile. This construction also makes laminate flooring more environment-friendly as it uses less wood in its construction and makes more efficient use of the wood fiber that is used.


We recommend a 10 mil or 12 mil thick. The boards at this level are less flexible and
typically offer more realism. Depending on the finish rating they don't necessarily
wear any better than thinner products.


An attached underlayment is more convenient and can add to the quietness of the floor. Buy a seperate cushion allows more options and you avoid installing seperate sheets of plastic as a moisture barrier on concrete substrates.


The board fiber that laminate is attached to has been highly compressed and is very dense. This make laminates very indintation resistant. Laminates are also scratch resistant and won't fade in direct sun light.
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Hill's Carpet & Floor Coverings
3458 Warrior River Road
Hueytown , Al 35023
Phone:   (205)491-3691

5135 Highway 17
Helena, Al 35080
Phone: (205)358-7879
Our Hours
Mon - Fri 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Helena Store -
Saturday: By Appointment Only
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